COPY-OK Senator Harry Coates Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated

COPY-OK Senator Harry Coates Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated

OK Senator Harry Coates Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated

OK Senator Harry Coates Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated

Oklahoma Senator Arrested For DWI In Texas

Oklahoma Senator Arrested For DWI In Texas

Oklahoma State Senator Plans To Propose Guest Worker Program Bill

Oklahoma State Senator Plans To Propose Guest Worker Program Bill

Attorney General Finds No Wrong Doing In Juvenile Center Contract Award Process

Attorney General Finds No Wrong Doing In Juvenile Center Contract Award Process

Senator, Lobbyist Relationship Allegations Leads To Delay In Juvenile Facility Contract

Senator, Lobbyist Relationship Allegations Leads To Delay In Juvenile Facility Contract

Delays Expected in Construction of American Indian Cultural Center

Delays Expected in Construction of American Indian Cultural Center

State Lawmakers Try to Tackle Childhood Obesity Problem

State Lawmakers Try to Tackle Childhood Obesity Problem

Oklahoma Senate Leaders Reveal GOP Agenda

Oklahoma Senate Leaders Reveal GOP Agenda

Senators Sour on Oklahoma Lemon Law

Senators Sour on Oklahoma Lemon Law

State officials considering new crane laws

State officials considering new crane laws

Study shows House Bill 1804 more costly

Study shows House Bill 1804 more costly

Business leaders sue over immigration law

Business leaders sue over immigration law

State senator seeks changes to immigration law

State senator seeks changes to immigration law

State Senate approves major spending bill

State Senate approves major spending bill

Attorney General Drew Edmondson criticizes legislative bill

Attorney General Drew Edmondson criticizes legislative bill